Feb 3, 2016

Stone Age Photos

Stone Age is a game that gets played fairly often, both 2 player and 4 player.  One of the things I appreciate about this game is the level of detail for the artwork on the cards, tiles and boards.  For that reason, I was having some fun taking photos while we played the other day.

My Green Team, ready to start the game

Feb 2, 2016

Kings Cribbage - A Review

Kings Cribbage is a game that we have had the opportunity to play with a few different groups in the past little while.  While far from my typical game choice, it was a lot of fun and the big thing for me is that it seems to have an audience with those who aren't typically into boardgames.

Kings Cribbage is essentially a combination of cribbage and scrabble.  You use tiles to create cribbage hands on the game board.  After the first turn, all of your future hands must tie into the tiles that are already laid on the board.  Each "hand" consists of up to 5 tiles, but the scoring can get quite high as you can create or add to multiple hands in a single play depending on how the board plays out; however, each tile laid must contribute to the scoring in that hand, which can sometimes limit you.  There are bonus points for laying all 5 of your tiles in a turn, or creating a 5 tile hand of the same colour (only two colours, dark and light in the version we played).  One of the more interesting twists is that the 6 and 9 are interchangeable (just turn them upside down!) making them surprisingly useful.

Board at the end of a game of Kings Cribbage